
ERAY Medical X-Ray Films

Discover the power of precision with ERAY Medical X-Ray Wet Film. Our double-sided, full-speed blue-sensitive film provides you with the highest quality of radiographic imaging that helps you to clearly identify otherwise hard to see details. With our medical X-ray Wet film you can quickly and accurately diagnose medical conditions and provide exceptional patient care. Get the best results with ERAY Medical X-Ray Film! Additional features include:

  • The film features T-GRAIN emulsion technology that reduces the amount of screen-light crossover, resulting in improved image sharpness.
  • It can be used in automatic loading systems and in cassette changers.
  • The film should be preferably be processed in 90-second or longer automatic processing cycles using standard processing chemicals such as EBE XCE/XCF processing chemicals or other company branded chemicals.
  • It should be transported and stored at 10–24 °C, at 30–50 % RH, and properly shielded from x-rays, gamma rays, or other penetrating radiation.
  • Designed for a variety of applications for the general Radiographic Examinations.
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